High mechanical characteristics, good resistance to oils and aliphatic hydrocarbons, exceptional abrasion resistance, low resistance to temperature (-30/+90C°), hot water and steam, possibility of reaching high hardness, can be formulated for food.
Excellent resistance to hot oil, aliphatic hydrocarbons, excellent mechanical characteristics and temperature resistance (-40/+160C°), good elasticity at low temperatures, excellent abrasion resistance, good resistance to ozone and UV rays, can be formulated for food.
Excellent temperature resistance, excellent mechanical characteristics and elasticity at low temperatures, resistance to various chemicals, excellent electrical insulation and flame resistance, odourless, suitable for contact with food and pharmaceutical and medical use, particularly colourfast.
Good resistance to ozone and UV rays, good resistance to hot oil and aliphatic hydrocarbons, good resistance to high temperatures and poor resistance to low temperatures (-20/+160C°), high water absorption, poor resistance to hot water and steam.
Used in extreme conditions, exceptional resistance to oil and an array of aggressive chemicals, high temperatures (-40/+200°C), up to 300°C in specific cases, good mechanical characteristics, good resistance to ozone and UV rays, can be formulated for food.
Excellent resistance to oil and many aggressive fluids, good resistance to ozone and UV rays, excellent flexibility at low temperatures, high temperature resistance (-40/+150°C) and excellent gas impermeability.
Excellent resistance to ozone and UV rays, good mechanical characteristics, good resistance to oil and grease, excellent dielectric properties, moderate resistance to high temperatures, hardness increases if constantly exposed to temperature, excellent resistance to low temperatures (-55/+120°C), not colourfast.
Excellent resistance to ozone and UV rays, good mechanical characteristics, high resistance to temperatures (-50/+150 C°), to many chemicals and solvents, not suitable for contact with mineral oil and hydrocarbons, colourfast, can be formulated for food.
Specifically used for resistance to grease, oil and aliphatic hydrocarbons, good mechanical characteristics and air and gas impermeability, good temperature resistance (-50/+130 C°), colourfast, can be formulated for food.
Moderate mechanical characteristics, used in generic non-heavy duty applications in place of or in combination with NR rubber, the main use is for tyres, modest resistance to high temperatures and excellent resistance to low temperatures (-50/+100°C).
The main characteristic of NR rubber is its high elasticity and elongation, teamed with a high friction coefficient and abrasion resistance. It is also known as natural rubber as it is the only one directly made from the rubber plant itself. It has poor resistance to high temperatures and excellent resistance to low temperatures (-55/+90 °C).