Moulding of technical articles and gaskets in rubber and silicone: our work for over 45 years.

Injection moulding, vacuum compression moulding, rubber to metal bonding, mechanical blade cutting, manual machining of items.

Continuous production, technological and qualitative developments, aimed at improving the service to our customers, led to the foundation of a new business, New Rubber S.r.l, in 1995, building on the original company set up by Roberto Boriani in 1977.

Ongoing investments in presses and additional production systems with different specifications enable us to meet increasingly specific requirements. Our main business today is the production of:

- Technical articles made with injection and compression moulding (including vacuum compression moulding)
- Technical articles mechanically cut with a high frequency blade
- Inflatable seals
- Custom shaped gaskets made from profiles

Our products are used in a wide range of sectors and applications, such as food production and bottling plants, pharmaceutical production and packaging plants, electronic components, petrochemical industry, electro-medical, drinking water and seawater pumps and treatment, railway, shipbuilding and aerospace.

We manufacture with a certified management system (see ››)


The company is founded in 1977 by Roberto Boriani on the back of his passion and previous experience in the sector. The main business is the injection and compression moulding of technical articles in rubber, silicone and polyurethane. 


Continuous production, technological and qualitative developments, aimed at improving the service to our customers, led to the foundation of a new business, New Rubber S.r.l, in 1995.


New production site acquired, headquarters moved and offices extended.


Building acquired and production departments extended.


New Rubber S.r.l. obtains, through recognition by an accredited body, certification according to good manufacturing practice standards (EC Regulation 2023/2006 – Good Manufacturing Practices) for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food (FCMA), for full compliance with EC Regulation 1935/2004. The objective is to provide innovative, premium quality products in accordance with sector-specific standards.


New building acquired and new offices built, creating a total covered area of 2800 m2.


Thanks to the development of new technologies, the purchase of new moulding lines, the expansion of the control and testing department, the experience gained, and the solid support of skilled employees and technicians, we are able to offer the market a complete range of products, made with raw materials from the world’s leading brands. We mould technical rubber parts for most industrial sectors.

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